

New compositions added to the Marimba+Electronics Database

Four new works have been added to the database, including their detailed entries:

  • An Honourable Silence Andrián Pertout
  • Sonatina Garry Eister
  • Spherical Music Eve Beglarian
  • Unreal Motorway Attila Szilvási

With these entries, we have the first inclusion of a work with two forms of electronics (Sonatina) and a work originally written for another instruments (An Honourable Silence). Both Sonatina and Spherical Music are self-distributed. Links are included from the detailed information page to the composers' websites. I have additional compositions to evaluate soon, and, I hope, a few more will be coming from composers shortly. 

I also made a slight change to the layout of the entries and the main launch page with the basic view of works. I moved the sorted lists directly beneath the introduction to the database and shifted all of the terminology and definitions further down. Within the detailed information page of the works, I moved the "musical overview" before the rest of the overviews. I felt the musical overview provided more general knowledge of the work, and placing this first allowed me to better introduce broader ideas of the work before the "accompaniment overview" and "technique overview." I hope this slight change makes the detailed entries flow better for you!

As always if you have any questions or comments about the database [suggestions for improving layout, link not working, or anything else really], please contact me