Examples of my work since 2020. Most of my work started creating virtual choirs and ensembles (during the not-so-great-for-live-performance years of 2020 and 2021). Since then, I’ve tried to focus on promotional/educational materials related to my performance career. I’ve also been contracted to create instructional materials for music companies.
Behind the scenes of the musical Fun Home, recorded on set and during active work, so lighting and camera usage limited. Highlights editing, use of still images, titles, lower thirds, and closed captioning.
Music ensemble I performed and edited for Halloween 2022 in vertical format generally preferred by several social media platforms.
Instructional video created for commercial company.
Instructional guide created for commercial company.
TMEA Region 3 Virtual Choir. All videos were submitted from performers. I created the audio mix and final video production.
Large-scale Christmas production, involving orchestra, organ, and choir. All videos were submitted by performers. I created the audio mix and final video production.